When you own your own business, the way you choose to operate your business can have a direct effect on the success of your company. There are many legal advantages to choosing to conduct your business through a business entity, and as such, many business owners choose to form a corporation or LLC instead of remaining a sole proprietor. One of the main reason business owners choose to incorporate is to reduce the personal liabilities they face as their company grows. An experienced San Diego business formation lawyer can help you choose the business entity that is best for your situation and ensure that your business is properly incorporated and maintained.
Types of Business Entities
There are a variety of business entities that may be appropriate for your business situation. San Diego business formation attorney, Shana Black, has assisted businesses in the San Diego area with:
? Limited Liability Company Formation (LLC)
? S-Corporation Formation
? Partnership Formation
? Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
? And more
Before you decide to incorporate your business, however, it is important to review your business plan and situation with an experienced San Diego business lawyer. There are also many tax implications that should be evaluated and pitfalls that need to be avoided. Your attorney will work closely with CPA?s to help you determine which business entity is best for your business situation.
San Diego Business Advice Every Step of the Way
If you do choose to incorporate your business, your business lawyer can help you maintain your business accordingly and ensure that you do not subject yourself or your company to increased liability. You must keep excellent records and abide by strict state laws regarding corporations to avoid penalties and limit your liability. In addition, your San Diego business formation attorney can ensure that your business is properly incorporated to prevent creditors and others from seizing any of your personal assets or property, in addition to company assets and capital.
Contact Us
San Diego business formation attorney, Shana Black, offers sound legal advice for small businesses and corporations in the San Diego area. In addition to business formation, Shana Black provides general business counsel to established companies and corporations and can help you reduce your legal liabilities at any stage of your company?s growth. To learn more about forming a corporation, LLC, or partnership, or to discuss ways in which we can help you protect your existing business, call-1-619-557-0122, or email info@shanablack.com.
This entry was posted on July 13, 2012, 7:33 pm and is filed under Business Law. You can follow any responses to this entry through RSS 2.0. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
Source: http://sandiegocaliforniaattorney.com/san-diego-business-formation/
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